Friday 12 April 2013

The New Chapter - off to The Cook Islands!

So the day had arrived to say farewell to New Zealand and head for more tropical shores.  So I packed my things wisely (or so I thought) and headed for the airport.

As always there was something about me and my bag got pulled apart, after having 2 different weights recorded on 2 different sets of scales (I thought 21.8 was a wee bit optimistic as it was more than that on the way out....) and sure enough on second attempt 25.  Bugger.  Still, with a heavy sticker applied (on the bag not me) I was on my way.

4 hours and an unexpected 3 seats, a meal and a film with. Tom Cruise that I didn't get time to see the ending of (pesky short haul flights) I saw Rarotonga beneath me.

It is basically a huge, tree covered volcano nestled in crystal blue waters and it is my home for the next 6 nights!  And in true tropical island style, we disembarked the plane being hit by a wall of heat, 28 degrees, and were presented with beautifully smelling flower garlands and a man playing a traditional song on a little plinly plonky thing.  School girl error not buying wine then and there in duty free (I could do with one now) but the it was on the bus with a load of pissed up Germans, a surfer from Perth called Murray (young man) and then after driving for a hideous 20 mins along white sandy palm tree fringed beaches, I arrived at Cooks Bay Villas.

STUNNING! Even in the evening light. It was all the website showed and more(should hope so for the money it cost.....the downside of travelling alone, you have to pay the price for 2!)

It was totally what I was expecting, I got my palm trees and hammock, I got my beach, I got my sea, I got my crashing waves, heaven.  Then the villa full of people next door piped up, just normal family happiness,but you know me and kids......I am putting it down to being a recluse for the last 4 weeks, Im sure I will be fine (set my alarm for 5am, see about that then.....)

But jokes aside, what I have seen so far truly is paradise and tomorrow I will take myself off to circumnavigate this massive island, all 32km of it, buy some supplies, put bear traps out for the kids, and then chill! (ok those of you that really know me may have other views on that so lets see who is right.......)

New Zealand you were amazing, wonderful, magnificent, majestic, dramatic, masterful and incredible.  I enjoyed every inch of you, all so different in so many ways, and the memories will live on forever.  If you have ever thought about going there and you get the chance, do it.  It really is great Mother Earth at her best, and she beats anything we mere mortels can do.

Im hoping to find more of her wonders in the morning so be prepared for some horrible pics tomorrow......probably rain from now on, at least it will keep the kids in......!!!

Love you all xxxx

1 comment:

  1. sounds great, but footballs come into mind, or am just being a victor covered in mildrew. love you enjoy the sun it's starting to come out here now. pop xxxxxx


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