Monday 15 April 2013

Day 3 in Paradise......

Morning faithful followers, so here are my movements for my 3rd day in paradise.  It may be a toughy to read......

Dog and I watched the sun rise on the veranda, ate my tropical breakfast, got dressed into my sarong, sat in the hammock for a couple of hours, read my book, soaked up the sun, read more of my book, had a snooze, moved to the sun lounger at the waters edge (2 feet away), read more book, chatted with Dog, snoozed, drank wine, finished my book, swam in the lagoon (well floated in) spoke to some people who walled on my beach and realised Dog had been cheating on me but I forgave him, had a shower and got ready for my beach BBQ at Muri Beach Club.

Exhausting!!  I had seen Shine the owner earlier in the day and she said she would order me a taxi to get to Muri, but as I stood waiting she arrived home with her husband and kids and gave me a lift there herself, bless, they are so lovely here!

So we got to Muri and once again it was beautiful but I was glad I opted for the villa rather than a resort.  I enjoyed a lovely cocktail followed by a scrummy BBQ with all you can eat buffet, a couple more beers and a woman on her bontempi organ singing in the club styleeee! It was lovely!

Then the receptionist looked rather bemused when I asked for a cab, and after much musing and rumaging through the phone boom, Dorothy's cans were summoned to take me home.  10 mins tops.  $30.  Makes a trip from Harrietsham to Maidstone look cheap!  I was assured it was because it was Sunday.  But the cab driver was a sweetie and I was soon home to Dog who was in his position on the veranda.  And so to bed, realising it was only 9pm, but it takes it out of you here.  Paradise is sooooooo exhausting.

Until tomorrow then when I will have tales of a lagoon cruise to delight you you can't wait!



  1. Relax, enjoy sounds wonderful and very tiring:-) xx

  2. looks very relaxing. plenty of cocktails, see the flower still in right ear. popxxxx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!