Sunday 14 April 2013

Day 2 in Paradise.....

Good morning all from Rarotonga! There has been some weather here I can tell you, had a fab tropical storm late yesterday afternoon, I love being out in warm rain!  I have also aquired a friend, namely Dog.  Dog is a stray (the only think I don't like about theses kind of countries) but a healthy looking one, and he is my faithful companion.  Now those of you who know me will fully appreciate how this is affecting me.  Those brown eyes and waggy tail, l just keep thinking to myself 'how can I get him home.....' So I give him the odd food and we lays on my veranda and under my hammock. Bless him.

Anyhoo, more about Dog later, now what does a girl do in Paradise.....

Watched the sun rise on my day bed, ate my fresh fruit tropical breakfast by the ocean with the wind rustling the palm trees and the lagoon waves lapping at my door, dressed in my sarong and (eventually) got into my hammock, read my book, swayed, read some more, snoozed with the sun beating down on my little ginger head, felt the wind pick up, endured a short warm tropical storm, had lunch, got back in the hammock, read, snoozed, swayed, read some more, took a walk up the beach with Dog, wondered why he took a quick detour away from the beach and found out when I got taken by a freak wave (well to the knees), watched the clouds roll in, watched the brat and his family get into a kayak and disappear (they came back but the wind and ocean are muffling his tantrums), endured the little face of Dog at the patio doors as the storm  came in, driving rain toward the villa and I had to shut said doors and Dog curled up under the table (letting him in was going to be taking it to a level I don't want to go to, and the owner would not be too impressed)

And then it was 5pm and I was exhausted!  But no time to get back in the hammock , I had an Island night to attend at a local resort.  2 things you must always do on a beach holiday - a local cultural evening (had an interesting one in Turkey many years ago) and a boat trip.  Monday is boat trip, Saturday night is Island Night.

The rain had stopped and I waited for my free transfer to arrive, and after we had picked up another couple it was off to The Edgewater Resort.

All I am going to say is this - Neptunes Bar at the Solana in Benidorm eat your heart out!!!!! It was a shocker!!! The dancers and musicians were fab but the hotel was soooooo funny!! And to top it all off they sat me on a table with a guy that was on his own!!!!  I sat down and as we smiled politely through the shock, I thought ' this could be the most awkward 3 hours Ive ever had...'

It turns out his name was Nick and he was from England and lived in Queenstown and was just on a break.  He was a great bloke and we had a laugh taking the mickey out of the evening, so all in all it wasn't all bad!!

So the night ended and my bizzare blind date and I said cheerio it was back to home where I hoped Dog was not still sitting with his nose still pressed to the window.

Thankfully not, bless, and I settled into sleep.

Now what shall I do tomorrow......

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