Saturday 6 April 2013

Day 25 - Omarama to somewhere else......

Morning bloggees!  Where was I, Oh that's right getting over a night in a hot tub!  Well believe me I needed that bloody thing in the morning as it was another cold one, but after I had showered (hot thankfully) and wrapped all my clothes that I was going to wear in a hot water bottle to warm up, I was away.  More snow had fallen on the high mountain tops and sat nag said 2 hours to my next stop of Omaru. 

Yeah right.  Although the scnery is still amazing it is not as 'stop the van every 2 second for a picture' good, until I hit a little detour on the Te Alatarwa Road via a dam.  Gorgeous, so every 2 mins I was stopping for a picture whilst avoiding the rocks that had fallen in the road from the unstable cliffs..... and a wallaby!!

Now you may be thinking 'God, more pictures of lakes and mountains' well that's because that is way NZ is made of! And bloody lovely they are too.  As one Kiwi said to me 'You Brits have the history, we Kiwis have the scenery....' and never a truer word was said.  So you will just have to put up with the lakes and mountains.....

I got to Omaru and headed straight through for a place I had seen in the Rough Guide and that I wanted top make sure I had a picture of, The Moureaki Boulders.  Perfectly spherical boulders on the beach.  Well they were certainly impressive but I think the photographer had used some trickery as they were not exactly boulders, more like large rocks.  But amazing none the less and pictures taken I headed into the village of Moureaki and what a sight that was.

A beautiful fishing hamlet, so much like Co0rnwall and the sea was so blue and the sun was shining so I headed for this little shack place on the waterfront, the only one there really, and it turned out to  be a famous restaurant called Fleurs, frequented by stars and the wealthy.  So I sat myself done in the garden, had the most amazing seafood stew on my lap, and enjoyed the sun.

Then back out to Omaru and quite frankly I was not that impressed, although there were some lovely buildings in the Victorian Quarter, it wasn't really holding me for a nights stay, so I decided to head on for a place called Tirami which was closer to my final destination of this part of my trip, Chruistchurch.  (I can believe how I have come so far!)

So a rather normal drive by NZ standards led me to where I am now, Timaru, a lovey site in the middle of the town, with a handy chinese takeaway just a walk away which did the hugest box of stuff for $12.50 so I packed it in and headed back to Trev where I sat eating and drinking beer, watched a bit of TV, did some laundry and wrapped up in 4 layers for bed!!

And here I am now, its morning on Sunday 7th April and I am heading out to Christchurch, my last stop on my road trip with Trev.  I'm getting all emotional.....

Gotta go via Macdonalds first tho.............Pics of more mountains and stuff for Day 25 tonight.  There are some good ones tho.... xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy Christchurch, think that's where my cousin is somewhere or where he works anyway;-) I'm no good at geography even with an O level;-) Look forward to hearing all about it after I've done my Sunday morning 13 miler tomorrow (hopefully in a little sun!). (Ps thx Eric and Ann for sponsoring me x)


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!