Saturday 20 April 2013

I'm at the airport......Nooooooooooo this is it!

Well here I am at LAX waiting for my flight.  It's time for home.

I have had the most incredible 6 weeks, everything ranging from indescribable scenery to freezing temperatures to glorious tropical beaches to total over-the-topness, and each and every second has been magical.

Thank you to each and every one of you who have been following my blog, I enjoyed writing it and am seriously thinking of a career change - I can see it now `Mayseys alternative travel guides........'

Well I am just using the last of the free wifi at the airport and although I am sad my travels are at an end I know that there will be another big adventure coming soon.  I cooked this one up on the plane home from OZ last year so I will see what I can do, I already have some ideas but I need to do some research.....

Thank you New Zealand for making me gasp, cry, laugh, freeze my ginger bits off, astound and confound me, for making me welcome and for bringing me Trevor.  And thank you for keeping me safe when I fell to the earth from 15000ft helping a great charity along the way.  You are Mother Natures jewel and you have to be seen to be believed.

Thank you Rarotonga for making me the most relaxed I have ever been,for the rush of the ocean, the calm of the lagoons, the heat and the sun, the palm trees and the hammock,  the smiles and the happy times, and for Dog.  I had a dream and you made it come true.

And finally thank you LA for being the most ridiculously extravagant place, the home of stupid dogs and even more stupidly priced clothes and for proving that all the money in the world does not buy taste!  But having said that you have been the cheapest place I have been to on my trip! Go figure!

I must also say thank you to Great Britian as without you I would not have a job to earn the money I do, or speak the language that everyone speaks.  And for housing my friends and family that make going home easier to bear.

Im crying now and they are calling my flight so it must be time to go, so Bon Voyage and see you soon xxxx

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