Friday 5 April 2013

Day 24......Queenstown to Omarama.....

So, after the excitement of yesterday it was another freezing night in Queenstown, despite the hat and hot water bottle!  And it was raining cats and dogs when I woke up, and then that turned to hail stones so I decided it was time to leave, seeing as I had done what I came for and despite the town being lively, it wasn't up my street, not anymore!!  And as I headed out of town I realised why it has been so bloody cold - snow on the mountain tops

So, I decided to head out on my route towards my next planned stop, Omaru.

The landscape was that of rolling hills, gold country and farmland, I stopped at a little town called Arrowtown and then at the site of one of the Hackett Bungy's, not the highest but i stayed and watched someone jump and thought how glad I was that I had decided to sky dive instead. I was still grinning to myself!

Now this part of the country is more desolate, I don't mean vast and flat I mean just immense and hilly and vast, does that make sense?!The hills were scarily tall and brooding and had an eery feel about them!

So I had decided that I was taking this route so I could go look at Mount Cook, and I did, well the look out point anyway!  It was near ad dam and the Glacial water is blue as blue can be and scary too! Halfway between Queentstown and Omaru is the little town of Omarama which is where I decided to stop for the night. (It actually transpired that I had booked the following night at Omarama not Omaru and the lady was kind enough to give me my money back.  Easy mistake to make eh, look at the names.....)

So I went back into Omarama and booked into the lovely campsite where the very lovely lady asked me if I had any plans for the evening.  Oi oi I hear you say, but her suggestion was just what the doctor ordered.  What is a girl on her own to do in a farming town in the middle of a range of mountains topped with snow?

So I spent 2 hours outside watching the sun set, sitting in a huge wooden barrel filled with fresh glacial spring water, heated by a wood burning stove, drinking beer (and lots of cold water) surrounded by snow topped mountains!! Bloody heaven, just what I needed!

A lovely young man showed my to my private spot, so private he assured me, that I could go in the nuddy if I wanted to.... Well maybe for a bit....

It was amazing and the water was so warm that I spent a lot of the time sitting on the edge of the tub!  After I returned to the reception the young lad said he was worried where I was and when I said that it was a great experience he said 'they cook you pretty good don't they' looking at my big fat round beetroot coloured head!!

So I wandered back to the site and snuggled in with hat, gloves and hot water bottle for another nights sleep......

1 comment:

Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!