Tuesday 2 April 2013

Day 22......Off to Queenstown....

So it was time to say goodbye to the lovely Te Anau and the beautiful campsite, and head off to Queenstown, back down the road that I travelled a few days ago.  You may well be spared the pictures again as this campsite, although very quirky had internet terminals from before Bill Gates left school......

Still, let me continue.  Trevor started first time (bless him) and we trundled out to find petrol, coffee and a date scone for breakfast.  All fed and watered we headed out.  The first part of the journey is through the gorgeous farmland for an hour or so, with the huge rolling hills and livestock, then you hit the lake just outside Queenstown, Lake Wakahipu (I say just outside, it is about 32km away but the lake is that massive!!)

The rain was falling on one side of the lake and not on the other, and at one point as the road twisted it rained, then stopped, then started again.  Incredible.

And then the town appeared and it was a great sight.  It is clear that this is the place where the young come to ski and chill out and just bum around, surf and ski shops everywhere, more English accents than in London and flip flop/shorts/jumper combos everywhere!!

The campsite I am on is so quirky, Mum and Dad would love the stuff they have around the place, urinals planted with flowers, toilets painted to look like a beauty salon and cute little mud huts.  I did ask to be moved as I had been shoved with all the back packers in a tiny little spot, and as always they seemed to think that I would like to be near the facilities, which is the last place I want to be, so they kindly moved me to a lovely spot.  I settled Trevor in and off I went.

I had a good wander round the different shops and restaurants on the wharf and plumped for a burger at a place I had been told to try, Ferg Burger.  They are meant to be immense and the place is legendary.  And they were.  Bigger than my head.  But it all went down, accompanied with a beer and then it was time to wander some more.

I took myself off onto the gondola that rises right up into the mountain and the views from the top are were stunning.

I am sorry if I seem distracted but 5 excited and very very very loud screaming girls have just entered the kitchen come steam powered internet room and are attempting to make Japanese chicken and rice.  I think they may be drinking and be under age! Shock!  I suspect it is their first time away from home too.  The are currently having an argument on how to cook rice.  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST PUT IN ON THE BLOODY STOVE!!!!!

Any ho, I am having an early night as there is the little matter of my sky dive tomorrow and I think an early night is in order.

So you are saved today from my reems of thoughts as really it has been a chilled out day.  And if I stay in here with these children any longer I am liable to either strangle them all or cook the chuffing rice for them.

So, tomorrow at 1015am I will be arriving at the sky dive place and should be jumping bout 11am 4th April NZ time which should be 11pm your time on the 3rd April.

Eeeeeeeeek!!!!  It will all be on facebook and on here, video and picture as soon as it happens so stay tuned!!!  Pics for today will have to wait until they invent the computer here......

Night night....... xxxxx


  1. I can feel the exitement and am feeling it with you and for you. just enjoy it and you will dine out on it for ever, and ma and I will be the first to do that. love you stay safe always, MA, POP, AND GETTING BIGGER BERYL. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  2. Hi darling, I will be thinking of you!!
    You are amazing and I'm loving the blog!!
    Take care and enjoy it and try and remember
    something as you're flying!!
    Lots of love


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!