Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 29....... Back to Auckland.....

So after my emotional and quite complicated trip to drop Trevor home (the road was closed, no diversion signs, sat nag Lee getting on my wick telling me to turn round, and a massive crack across the windscreen getting bigger) I boarded my flight to Auckland.  Up, free tea and biccy, down, that easy!

And a little snooze on the way from the airport in the sunshine, i was back at the lovely Auckland City Oaks and my little apartment for a couple of nights.

After turfing out all my bags and wondering how I would get them all back in again I headed out to find food, shops and internet.

I found all in the shape of a gorgeous Thai lunch, a Japanese Dollar Mart where nothing was a dollar but there were some interesting articles, and an internet cafe that let me upload the hundreds of pictures I needed to over and hour and a half for $4!

Back home, wine and bed, a real bed.  Lovely!

And here I sit, its 6.30am and I am off on a trip up to the North of the South Island to the Bay of Islands.  Its a long way so that is why I went for a trip rather than drive myself when I was hear before!!

So until tonight......

1 comment:

Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!