Tuesday 2 April 2013

Day 20......Milford Sound (well fiord really......)

Well hello faithful followers and a few new ones I hope!  Been a couple of days but i was so tired the other night that it was straight to be for me.  So, it is now the end of day 21, but here i go updating you on day 20....

First fiordland trip of this leg, and it was to Milford sound.  Now, the 2 that i am visiting are both very different, Milford being steeper and more rugged looking but also the more commercial and therefore busier.  I was picked up by the lovely Ray of Fiordland Tours, got the jump seat up front and away we went to get the other guests!  There were 9 of us in total and a real mix from English, Aussies, German to American and we all got on famously! 

Ray was a sweetie, had years of experience in the game and gave us a fab commentary all the way.  The tour consisted of a fairly long bus ride to Milford Sound, then the boat trip and then the bus ride back.  Needless to say the scenery was awesome the entire way (even the massive tunnel that cuts through the mountain!) so I will let the pictures do most of the talking on that front (you will be pleased to here).

The weather was beautiful although the wind on top deck was in danger of having my wig away, and the moment when the skipper said 'those on the front may get a little wet when I sail near to the waterfall' was, as ever, using the NZ under-exageration method.  He sailed UNDER the waterfall, or near as damn it!  So, yes, I did get 'a little wet'.......!

After the cruise it was on the bus back for the ride home.  But I decided to take a little detour.  In a helicopter!  A beautiful mad spur of the moment flight over Milford Sound and up to an incredible landing site on top of a snow capped mountain (and if I was writing this yesterday I would remember the name but today's events have taken over from that!) Bloody incredible!  Despite the fact that I was squashed in something the size of a flying fiat 500 with 6 huge men.  Now normally that would bring a little smile to my face but I think they resented me gatecrashing their guy time, and I couldn't see that much on the way out, but one of them falling over on the ice and then getting the window seat on the way back hanging back and performing a snow (well ice) angel made up for that!!  The views were breathtaking.

I landed and picked up the bus and it was back to pretty Te Anau.  Thank you to Roy and the gang for a great day.

I finished off by treating myself to dinner and The Olive Tree Cafe which I heard before I saw it, as it was rammed, with locals too, so I thought it was a safe bet.  And I wasn't wrong.  They managed to squeeze in a little one and were turning people away after that so I timed it just right.

Belly full and very tired it was back to Trevor for a good old sleep before my next adventure to Doubtful Sound.  And boy was I looking forward to it........

1 comment:

Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!