Friday 19 April 2013

Hello Los Angeles......

Well I am awaking after my first night of 2 in LA and what a difference a day (and 10000 odd miles!)

So I left Rarotonga behind, no sign of Dog but I know he will be OK and fond farewells to Shine and Tara who own the villas.  I boarded the plane and took my seat for my flight to Auckland to get my connecting flight to LA.

I was leaving knowing 2 things - Rarotonga was the perfect end to my trip and I was as relaxed as I have ever been and 2,  my Big Adventure was coming to an end with only LA left to re-discover!

I arrived back at Auckland airport and spent my last few dollars and after a hour boarded my 10 hour to flight to The City of Angels.  After 11 hours, a good sleep and feeling excited about my next leg, we landed.

It has been many years since I have been here and I have good memories, even though many say bad things about this city. I love ot!  The sun was shining and I got a really cheap transfer from the airport to my boutique hotel in Beverley Hills!!

And it did not disappoint! It dates from the 30's and it is art deco heaven inside.  I was met by a wonderful consierge, Elijah, who presented me with my key and most  importantly a glass of bubbles darling!!

Up to my small but perfectly formed deco room and it was a quick shower and change and out to explore The Hills and all the wonderful extravagant shopping it has to offer, in particular Rodeo Drive!

And it was just as I remembered it, ridiculously opulent, over the top and totally fabulous!  I wandered through the strrets of Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Hermes, Armarini, the list goes on and on and on. I watched women wearing sunglasses the size of satellite dishes and carrying handbags worth more than my car shopping and lunching and generally being fabulous.  I watched the cars worth more than Buckingham Palace drive by, and I strained to look in every window to spot the rich and famous (Im sure Mel Gibson stopped in his car to let me cross the road.....) It was fabulous darling.

I ended up at a restaurant right on Rodeo Drive called 208, at the best table in the house, outside overlooking Wiltshire Boulevard and the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel (where I was reliably informed Pretty Woman was filmed ans this is where Julia Roberts was, all this from the waiter as I had no clue) enjoying a massive grilled cheese with sweet potato fries, a fabulous desert and all washed down with a Bud light, whilst wearing head to toe Primarni.  I even got daggers from a couple of sunglass wearing housewives as I was apprently in their favourite spot.  Tough luck sweetheart, there is a new kid on the block.  Eat your heart out Miss Roberts.....

So after that I wandered the wonderful street, snapping the sights and watching the sunset down below the palm trees and finally made my way back to my hotel, which really is a find and in the heart of it all, perfect for a cheeky little Xmas shopping trip me thinks....

And here I now sit after a great nights sleep in my massive bed, refreshed and waiting for my pick up for my tour of Downtown and the tourist sights, it has to be done!!

 Until later peeps......

1 comment:

  1. sounds great DARLING you enjoy it all, going to miss your blog when you come home, but it will be good to have you back here, theres been no one to tell me off. love you pop xxxxxx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!