Monday 29 April 2013

So I am back in the real world.....

Well faithful followers it has been a week since my return and I am back into the swing of normal life - well almost!

Far from being a distant memory, NZ has inspired me to widen my horizons and keep travelling, and also to maybe do a wee bit more writing!  I have been amazed to see that my blog has been viewed by complete strangers from all over the world, and I have had some great comments from you guys here so who knows....

One thing is for sure is that I enjoyed every minute of it, and reading back this blog just makes me smile, laugh and cry all over again.  People are still viewing my Aussie blog too, and that was over a year ago.  Boy, I wish I knew a bit more about the t'internet and how these things work!!

I'm still chilled, Cook Island time is an amazing thing, and I still haven't properly unpacked, but my mind is working on my next big adventure - or 2!

So I think that may well be it.  I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have and there will be more, I just hope you all find my next big trip as may involve some snow!

So farewell faithful blogees and be in touch soon......xxxxx

Saturday 20 April 2013

I'm at the airport......Nooooooooooo this is it!

Well here I am at LAX waiting for my flight.  It's time for home.

I have had the most incredible 6 weeks, everything ranging from indescribable scenery to freezing temperatures to glorious tropical beaches to total over-the-topness, and each and every second has been magical.

Thank you to each and every one of you who have been following my blog, I enjoyed writing it and am seriously thinking of a career change - I can see it now `Mayseys alternative travel guides........'

Well I am just using the last of the free wifi at the airport and although I am sad my travels are at an end I know that there will be another big adventure coming soon.  I cooked this one up on the plane home from OZ last year so I will see what I can do, I already have some ideas but I need to do some research.....

Thank you New Zealand for making me gasp, cry, laugh, freeze my ginger bits off, astound and confound me, for making me welcome and for bringing me Trevor.  And thank you for keeping me safe when I fell to the earth from 15000ft helping a great charity along the way.  You are Mother Natures jewel and you have to be seen to be believed.

Thank you Rarotonga for making me the most relaxed I have ever been,for the rush of the ocean, the calm of the lagoons, the heat and the sun, the palm trees and the hammock,  the smiles and the happy times, and for Dog.  I had a dream and you made it come true.

And finally thank you LA for being the most ridiculously extravagant place, the home of stupid dogs and even more stupidly priced clothes and for proving that all the money in the world does not buy taste!  But having said that you have been the cheapest place I have been to on my trip! Go figure!

I must also say thank you to Great Britian as without you I would not have a job to earn the money I do, or speak the language that everyone speaks.  And for housing my friends and family that make going home easier to bear.

Im crying now and they are calling my flight so it must be time to go, so Bon Voyage and see you soon xxxx

Homeward bound.....

Its homeward bound today!! But not just yet.....

Good morning faithful blogees from Sunny California!! It truly is a beautiful day in the City of Angels today I have woken up on my very last day (not counting the day I will lose travelling home) heavy hearted but reflecting on the most amazing trip.

But first, I had to have breakfast and after a bit of a farce getting a cheap airport transfer I wamdered back down to Rodeo to enjoy breakfast at 208 where I had lunch the other day.  I strolled down the palm tree lined streets and was greeted there as an old friend!  I sat with the satellite sunglass set, with dogs in handbags and air kissing and enjoyed an amazing omelette, OJ and of course, champagne darling!!

The waiters were fab and they earn every penny of the 15% surcharge, and as I sat and stared at the Pretty Woman hotel, once again clad in George-io and Primarni's finest, I pondered on how lucky I am to have had this opportunity - again - and God willing I hope it wont be the last.

I said goodbye to my little eating place and wandered over to the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel where the doorman opened the door for me with the same smile he did for Julia (I have to imagine that as I have not seen the film) and I wandered round marvelling at the wonder of the lobby.  I was admiring the amazing but so simple flower display when a scruffy bloke who was arranging them began talking to me and I commented on how great they were.  Turned out he was the florist!  He to,d me they were not as beautiful as me (he had cataracts I think) and I left there with a spring in my step.

So here I sit, in the lobby of my hotel waiting for my transfer to arrive.  LA has been a blast and just what I needed on the way home.

Im not doing my final speech yet, I save that for when I am home, so for now I will just sign off and maybe catch you at LAX....

Mmmmmmwahhhhh darling xx

Some pics of my day in LA.....there are morebut they are on my camera so you will have to wait.....!

My day in LA.....

Had a fab day being a tourist today!  Started with a tour of the movie stars homes in the hills around the city, the driver and guide was so funny and we had a great laugh as we all drove around, all hoping to catch a glimpse of someone famous!

We saw Micheal Jacksons home, Jason Statham, Tom Cruise, the list goes on and on and I cannot remember them all, stars old and new, legends and directors.  These houses are incredible amd worth 10's of millions.

So after stalking the stars it was back to Hollywood to pick up another tour that takes in the sites of the city.  Last time I was here, I stayed in the Roosevelt hotel right opposite The Chinese Theatre, and that hotel is still as I remember it. Hollywood itself was a bit of a shit hole back then and I have to say it has smartened up a little!!  New shops and restaurants have appeared and sit alongside the good old faithfuls such as Hooters, Hard Rock Cafe and of course Maccy D's!!  The next tour showed us all the famous sights, the Hollywood sign (even if it was a fair way away!) Paramount Studios, Capital Records, Hollywood Bowl, Sunset Strip, and this driver was a hoot too!  Once that was done I took myself off to wander round, taking in the wall of fame, the hand and footprints, a wander round the Chinese Theatre cinema (watched LA Confidential there after watching the premiere the night before from the hotel window when I was hear last all those years ago) I shopped the toot stores and then caught the bus up to Universal Studios and wandered round the shops and bars there. The sun was shining the music was playing and I was just enjoying my last day.

Back in Downtown Hollywood watching Batman, Captain. America, Chewbacca, Wolverene, Rambo, Tnkerbell, Mickey Mouse  and Cat Woman all trying to get you to have your picture taken with them (for a price) and ten all chilling together afterwards.  Only in Hollywood.....

Then it was back to Beverley Hills as the sun set to find somewhere to eat.  Just past my hotel and opposite Rodeo Drive was the Pannini Cafe. Do not be fooled, this place is no ordinary cafe.  Filled with locals and visitors, the portions were huge and many posh looking cars pulled up beside me and got out for take out.  I went for beef kebabs and was not disappointed.  Belly full and 2 glasses of Pinot down I wandered into Sprinkles (apparently a famous cup cake place that now does ice cream) and sat with the beautiful kids eating dark chocolate and pistacio icecream with caramel popcorn topping.  Nom.

Then I wandered back to the hotel and fell into bed, full and happy but sad that this was my final night of my big adventure.  But more about that later, I soon fell into a lovely slumber. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

What a fab couple of days, thanks LA xx