Sunday 10 March 2013

Pre-big adventure little adventure!!!I

So tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for, and probably the day you have all been waiting for but for totally different reasons!

I am out of your hair for 6 whole weeks and I am about to ascend on the gracious and welcoming people of New Zealand.  Well, I will be on Wednesday after my night in the Heathrow Ibis Hotel and the 26 hours Air New Zealand flight, with a 2 hour leg stretch at LA.

So here I sit, bucket of red wine by my bed and the phone poised for 24 hour room service should the sound of planes permiate my ear plugs and wake me from my slumber, and the remote ready for the final episode of Mr Selfridge.

Ok I nodded off there so I think it is time to say night night and speak tomorrow.

Mmmmmwah xx


  1. Have a wicked time, look forward to hearing all about your adventures xx

  2. Have an amazing time Lisa, really looking forward to all your adventures and piccies. Take care and lots of love xx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!