Monday 11 March 2013

First leg done, just a wee leg stretch in LA

So, here we have it, my first overseas post for my next big adventure!

I am currently sitting in the transit lounge of LA airport surrounded by what can only be described as Club 80-130........ But I digress, let me fill you in on my journey so far.....

Twas a snowy day when I woke and after troughing my breakfast I purchased my hoppa ticket for the bus to Terminal 1.  So, there I was, standing in the snow with no socks, freezing my ears off, when I see an elderly couple who looked like they got dressed in the dark, head off up the road muttering and shouting at each other.  Then the bus arrived.  Sweet baby Jesus and the Orphans, that was a ride and a half! Those of you who remember my Aussie blog may recall the hair-raising taxi ride to Hong Kong Disney, with the driver who only understood the word 'Disney'.  Well this was the bus version and he only understood the word 'airport'.  Imagine the film 'Speed' but set in Hounslow and not staring Keeanu Reeves........

Still my bus delivered me battered and bruised and after checking in with a very lovely man and getting an even better set on the plane, we finally boarded.

Now I have never flown with Air New Zealand and had no idea whhat to expect but I must say, they were spot on.  Fab plane, fab entertainment, all mod cons, great cabin crew and to top it all off, Doris and I had a whole row of 4 seats to ourselves!  And who should I spy across the way but the old dears that had trekked from my hotel through the blizzard.  Must have got the heads up about the bus driver.....

Now I will not bore you with a 10 hour flight but here are the highlights:

- 4 seats to myself
- The old couple being the funniest deaf old dears I have ever met
- Them forgetting they had their earphones on everytime someone spoke to them and SHOUTING at everyone and having to help them use their touch screen TV
- Getting 2 helpings of the awesome beef curry we had for dinner
- Sampling a lovely NZ red and a cheeky drop of bubbles
- Watching Hitchcock, Casino Royal (ooo those blue trunks), Skyfall (again), The 7 Psychopaths (dont ask) and half of Ice Age 2
- Getting extra scones for tea before we got off
- Having my fingerprints taken at LAX and him screwing his nose up as my manky thumb wouldnt print properly
- Sitting in Gods waiting room that is terminal 23A at LA airport listening to a load of Yanks jibber jabbering about stamps and postcards and wearing their own special style of clothing

And that is where we are at.  We are a bit delayed and my eyes feel like they have glass in them but we will soon be in the air again and I can take my diazepam and have a little snooze.......

1 comment:

  1. sounded a cool trip you should have landed in NZ as i write this have a nice sleep and enjoy. bin snowing here its -5. love ya popxxx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!