Tuesday 26 March 2013

day 14....Greymouth to The Glaciers....

Hello dear bloggers, and another day full of adventure I have for you!

So, after a very wet, windy and wild night in Greymouth, it was time to push on for the Glaciers. So I had a quick run to the beach for a windswept photo then it was onwards on the next leg.

The weather improved as we drove and the first stop was unscheduled but I just pulled over into a little town called Hokitaka and I'm so glad I did!  On the beach was an amazing piece of driftwood art which is apparently an institution and a must for travellers.  So after taking pics of 2 Scottish girls for them, they returned the favour and it was in the bag.

The next stop was the West coast Treetop Walk, which was basically a walk high up in the trees.  Now those of you that remember my Big Fat Aussie Adventure know that I did one of these there and although this was a pleasant enough little jaunt, it really didn't come close.  but having said that it was a good walk and as there was just me and one other couple it was very relaxing first thing!

The next place I ran into was Ross, and old Gold Mining town with a great little display of the old town buildings and the best thing was it was all free to look at, so after a little wander it was back on the road.

now you may have noticed that I am not in as a descriptive mood as normal and that is because although the scenery is still beautiful there was nothing really outstanding to warrant talking about.  That was to come.

I then literally drove past, and almost into, 2 absolutely stunning lakes which I am ashamed to say (like the very rare grey bird) I have no idea the name of.  But boy where they awesome.  Like glass mirrors and I hope that the pictures do them justice.

More driving and just waiting for a Glacier to come into view, and then there it was, Franz Josef.  Well I say there it was, there some of it was as I was just in the town which was bustling and large and filled with tourists.  Now I had opted to stay at the smaller of the 2 glaciers, Fox Glacier, and this was not as commercial (or so the guide books told me) and they were right.  Another super twisty road and mountainous climb later and I was there, Fox Glacier.  No tantalising glimpse but the illusion that it was there under the clouds.  The campsite was amazing and Trev and I were the first to arrive.  Right at the foot of the hills (sorry mountains, I'm getting used to them now!) and a 5 minute walk into the lovely little village.  Perfect for a 4 night stay.

So after I parked up and wandered into the village to find a beer. now I had learnt my lesson and was not going on a binge as I my heli hike is tomorrow and I want nothing to jeopardise that! Just as I had found my spot in the Cook Saddle Saloon and was taking the obligatory picture of my beer, a girl walked passed and commented that she often did that when she was on her own!  So, 5 hours later, 2 beers, cake and coffee and an evening meal later, Emma from Vancouver and I had chatted away, put the world to rights and I had made my decision that Canada was a must for another big adventure......!

She was travelling alone a working visa and was only here for one night and had hiked to the foot of the glacier wearing a dress so she was OK in my book, and it was lovely to have some company for a bit.  And we had quite a lot in common, not just taking pictures of lone beers!

So once we were both yawning it was time to go our separate ways and head back Trevor and watch the amazing sunset.  The campsite was much more full now and although there was a lot of cloud cloaking the mountains and the glacier but it should be clearer tomorrow and nothing will stand in my way!!

Night night to you all and speak tomorrow........xx

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