Sunday 24 March 2013

Day 12...... Abel Tasman National Park.....

Hello faithful follower......well I know it's more than one and thank you to those who leave comments, it's brightens my day to know all this blogging is making you smile as much as me!

So, today was my first full day on the south island and it was off to Abel Tasman National Park.  There are 2 way to view this park, one is walking it and the other is seeing the shoreline and beaches by boat, so I plumped for the boat option.

I took a punt that today would be as lovely as yesterday and I was right, the sun was shining so it was time to get the legs out (well below the knee) and Trevor and I head off to meet the boat in the nearby harbour.  Another run of the mill, twisty and highly dangerous when wet or frosty 7km trip that took twice as long as is should, and there we were ready to catch the water taxi.

Now it runs up and down the shoreline on a regular basis, dropping off the hardy walkers and campers who go off to do their thing, and then to drop off the likes of me who just want to chill on a beach for a bit.  So I went all the way to the end of the line and came back to be dropped off at a rather lovely bay called Anchorage Beach.  The coastline was gorgeous, rugged and bloody windswept on top deck (nearly lost me syrup) and rather chilly too when the boat was in full throttle.  But in the sun it was gorgeous, and as El Capitano (no meeting by the 'orses under zee clock at 9pm in the square Karen) steered into each bay there was shelter from the wind and time to take in the beautiful scenery.  We saw seals frolicking in the sea and sunbathing on the rocks and a bird of which there are only 10 in the world. It was grey and sitting on a rock and can't for the life of me remember what it was called.......

Still, soon enough it was my turn to disembark after having a conversation with a deck hand regarding the fact I was travelling alone around his country.  He is not the first to find it strange and I'm starting to wonder what all the fuss is about.....

Still, I digress.  Anchorage Beach was waiting And as I walked the plank I headed for my spot to drop my towel, kick off my flip flops and chill for a couple of hours until the boat hopefully returned for me.

So obviously after my usual 30 mins of wandering the near deserted beach to find the exact spot of my liking I settled down to eat my nut bar and be joined by the cast of the new Hitchcock remake of the Birds - The Seagulls.....

One rather large one in particular room to me and actually lay by my feet for some time until a passing tamper walked past and the pots and pans dangling from his knapsack frightened Steven the seagull away.....and we were just getting to know each other....

So the boat returned and dropped me back to Trevor who had been waiting patiently for me by the shoreline.  I decided to carry on up the coastline to find the actual footpath entrance and start of the park, a little hamlet called Marahau and to find a Burger van that was mentioned in the Rough Guide.  And bloody hell was it worth the extra twisty road (I keep putting twisty instead of windy and you may think I mean windy as in wind blowing rather than windy as in twisty. Hope that helps...)

The Fat Tui was an old tin shack that sold THE MOST amazing burgers!  I had 'Ewe Beaut' which was, and I quote "Morroccan inspired lamp patty, homemade, dolloped with mint yogurt and herb marinated feta, tangy tomato relish, salads and aioli dressing". Heaven on a plate (well in a massive paper bag).  Bloody worth the trip too!  So after that, an organic ginger beer, hot chocolate and 3 mini donuts I was off for a wee stroll into the park to work it all off.

There were some very easy 30 min walks over the boardwalk and wetlands to a beach nearby so off I headed in my trusty flip flops, watching everyone coming out of the park wearing the entire contents of Milletts and looking at me in disgust.  But I needed nothing more that them and my camera to have a lovely walk, appreciate some local art and make some of my own.

Then it was back to Trevor once again to head for home.  A little stop via the waterfront in the local village for a pre sunset book read and then spent 20 mins trying to find somewhere to stop and take a picture of the said sunset and failed miserably.

Still back to the site and now settled in for the night.  Heading off down the West coast tomorrow for more adventures.  Pics to follow and keep blogging on.  And tell your friends too, apparently my blog has been viewed by someone in Honduras, so the statistics tell me!!

Night night all xx

1 comment:

  1. very good and very funny, the burger sounded good, keep enjoying loveyou popxxxxx


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