Wednesday 27 March 2013

Day 16..........a leisurely day at the Glaciers...

Evening all, well after the excitement and thrills of yesterday it was time to take a more sedate approach to today and I decided to explore the neighbouring Franz Josef Glacier.

Now I had heard that it was a bit bigger but far more touristy and that is why I plumped for Fox instead.  And man alive was that a good choice.

I can safely say that I have now officially found somewhere more expensive than Ayres Rock!  Sweet Baby Jesus and the Orphans, the petrol out here has been $2.16 a litre and at Franz it was $2.55!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then they had the cheek to charge as surcharge for using cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well lets just say that did not start the day off well........

Having said that the sub was shining and the mountains were looking impressive so I decided to head for the terminal face that takes you to the end of the ice formation.  Via a little reflective pool that I had read about that gives a perfect reflection of the glaciers, Peters Pool.  So, as I was driving down the road to the car park via the most well disguised and brutal sleeping policemen I have even had the pleasure to drive over (sorry Trevor, I'm sure your axle will be fine in the morning.......) I saw a sign pointing me in the direction of a walk that I assumed to be Peters Pool.  I had gone past and there was no turning places so I decided that I would do it on the way back as the weather looked good for a while.....

So I walked to the glacier edge which was, I must admit, bloody amazing, but after my experience yesterday it would have been hard to have topped that.  That walk and back again (which I needn't have really done as I could have just zoomed my camera in at the vantage point) took 2 hours.  Then the clouds were starting to form and hide the tips of the mountains, so it was time to find the reflective pool. 

Back to the sign I saw (10 mins down the road) to find it was not for Peters Pool, and that Peters Pool was actually right by the car park I had just left.  By this time I had the bit between my teeth and I was getting that picture at any cost, so back I went and the pool I found.  By then the cloud had come right in so although I got a lovely shot, the one I wanted was missed.  The law of Sod strikes again.  Now if I had been at home that would have had me reaching for the prozac, but I just took it in my stride and carried on.

So after that I decided to leave the most expensive town in NZ behind and head back to my faithful Foxy friend, and very glad I was to be back too.

A little drive out to a viewpoint, a decision not to drive 11km down an unmade road to the beach made, and I then mooched back to the campsite to do some well needed chores.  I had also made my decision to leave here in the morning and head onto my next stop a day early, Wanaka. The very kind lady in the reception called ahead and made sure they had space as we both realised at the same time that tomorrow is Good Friday!

So that sorted, washing that was on the line in the rain now in the tumble and dodging the hoards of Germans and Japanese/Chinese that have descended on my little place, I headed to my local for my last meal of fish and chips.  I was greeted as a local and after eating my fill I walked back home in the rain in my flipflops like a true backpacker......

And now I sit watching the mizzle descend on the most amazing skyline and am set for an early night cuddled up with a book and Trevor.  I have loved it here and the experience on that glacier will stay with me for ever.  As will the image of the lovely James wielding that pick axe and dragging me through an ice cave.....

Night night faithful followers, until next time in a different place and a different time.....

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