Saturday 16 March 2013

Day 5.....Rain, Middle Earth and Lakes.....

So the rain had finally arrived in ernest and after my lovely sleep, it was up bright and early and out by 8am on my journey south towards my 3rd nights stop, Blue Lake, just south of the geo-thermal wonderland that is Rotorua. More on that later, but first I had a little detour to make to a place called 'Hobbiton'......

 This trip entailed the unsual swoops and squeals that I am getting used to, coupled with ahhh, weeeeee and 'Oooooo I bet that hurt as' I saw a car on its roof down a ravine and the family from within all sitting on the side of the road. I was on the opposite side and it was a hairpin blind 360 degree affair and no-one appeared to be screaming or covered in blood, so I thought I would travel on a a bit and find somewhere to swing round and then go back and make sure. After 15 mins and no luck, thankfully and ambulance, fire engine and police car came the other way. Phew.

 A small pitstop at the Karangahake Gorge to take pics and run across the suspension bridge making it shake and scaring some children! Nice. Then onwards to my destination and via a pretty little Edwardian town called Te Aroua who where having a Domain Day (which I think is Kiwi for Village Fete) and a gay little affair it seemed to be too, despite the rain, but alas I had a date at 12 noon with a Hobbit.....

 Now, I am not ashamed to say, but I have never seen any of the 100 Lord of the Rings films. Or the Hobbit. It was an option on the plane on the way over but the flight was only 24 hours so I didnt think I would have time. But I was asked very nicely indeed by the Law clan if I would get a picture of Billybob Boggins door (or something like that) so how could I refuse. And also, I thought it would be rather cool.

 And cool it was. Very cool. And very wet, but strangely warm and lovely! The set is built on a farm the size of Singapore or something like that and it is (sorry to use that word again) IMMENSE! And stunningly beautiful. I can't begin to explain all the gubbins about the set (visit the Hobbiton website) but the films were made there (Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit) and it has been kept for eternity. And I'm bloody glad it has, thanks to the Laws' I had an amazing few hours!! Hobbit Holes, the pub, Bobby Biggins house, oh so cute and oh so English! Free goblet of ale in the Green Dragon too and I got to go inside a Hobbit House!!

 One of the most entertaining elements were how many of our group of 20 were woefully inadequately dressed for such weather. Mainly the Japanese. Gave me a giggle though as I was suitably attired. So Clair, I hope you are happy with the 100 odd pictures I took for you, using up most of my sim card and all of the camera batteries!!

There is a joy awaiting you! So after the tour was up, Trevor and I trundled on towards our final destination for the night, Blue Lake just outside Rotorua. Now, this area is of geothermal interest, with bubbling mud pools, red hot geezers (the water ones, not the male ones) and steaming lakes smelling of rotten eggs. Not selling it to you am I? Though not, but believe me it is a sight (and smell to behold) although I didn't hand around long in Rotorua itself as it is, quite frankly, a shit hole. All be it an amazing one with steaming hot ponds all throughout the town. But it really was a non starter, so traight through for me and onto my campsite.

 And there it was, another gasp and a 'you have to be kidding me' moment. A lake. A beautiful lake surrounded by mountains (well I think they were there through all the clouds). Majestic. And as I took it all in an wondered where Trev and I would be mooring up, I turned and the bloody campsite was right on the lake!! Incredible. I dined by the lake front opposite and soaked up (literally) the atmosphere. Even in the rain this place is stunning and the cloud and mist all add to the mystery. I love it.

 So, I am now locked in the campsite reception area on the computer as it shut at 7pm but the lovely man just told me to ring him and tell him when I'm done. Its warm and dry though and has a TV so I may just fall asleep rather than return to Trev who currently smells of wet clothes.... So ends my day, I hope you are enjoying my travels so far and I can't believe I have so much to come. Back to my vino and one last try at some more pics before the credit runs out. Night night xx


  1. Woo! Can't wait to see them! Xxx

  2. sounds a very good place and I bet you will have some good pics, hope the rain don't last to long. ma&beryl send there love and say stay safe and enjoy. xxxxxxxxx love ya popxx

  3. Sounds amazing Lisa, can't wait to see more pics xx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!