Wednesday 13 March 2013

Day 1 Auckland.......Part 2...........

So, off I wandered, bags in hand and map at the ready, heading for the harbour.  And then I literally stumbled across the Sky Tower, Aucklands iconic building and the tallest in the southern hemisphere (apparently!). And when I say it took my by surprise, it did!  I saw a lovely lady called Tracey sitting at a bus stop selling tickets for the Auckland Tour bus, which, she told me, would allow me 2 hours of sitting enjoying the scenery, along with my belongings!

So as I was boarding I asked her which stop I was at and it was at that point I realised I was standing under the aforementioned tallest building!  Right underneath.  I was tired tho......

So the buss took in the sights of this lovely city and the sunshine warmed by face and heart,, and after the alloted 2 hours I disembarked armed with my itinerary for tomorrow.

Next stop, the tower.  So up I went to the viewing deck,. 182 metres up, and sat, smelling and looking like a tramp with all my belongings, admiring the view whilst the lovely cafe owner provided me with coffee and a very posh sarnie.  I vowed to return once I smelt slightly better and could see properly!!

Back to the apartment, via the police station and homeless shelter (they almost asked me in....) and then I got into my beautiful 22 bed apartment with balcony!  Lovely.  No time to snooze, needed to beat the jet lag, so shower, spruce and clean clothes then off for another wander in the gorgeous sunshine.

Did some shopping, wandered by the harbour, got my bearings, had an $8.50 beer in the oldest pub in Auckland (lovely local brew tho) and then when the tiredness was kicking in and my search for cheap chinese food to get rid of my tiredness cravings not being successful, I settled for a Burger King and sat under the tower again (ironically just opposite a Chinese food court...) and then went beck up the tower to enjoy the view once again.

It got to 6.30 and I was no dead on my feet so I got some supplies and headed for home, got a smile from the homeless and started sifting through the mountain of leaflets and books, most of which will end up being recycled Im sure!

A diazepam, earplugs and a lovely sunset later it was off to bed.  And a well deserved rest.....night night, see you on the morrow when I start in ernest.......

1 comment:

  1. hi lisa mother says you look tired you have to laugh don't you. when you go past the homeless place next see if they have any room for me, it looks a nice place to hang out!! enjoy xxxxx, ps, b misses you xxxxxxxx


Thank you for reading and not falling asleep long enough to comment!!