Friday 22 March 2013

Day 11....Im blogging from the ferry!

Well how about this. I am actually blogging from The Cove, and exclusive area on the interislander ferry between north and south island! I paid $20 extra and I am in a room with 3 stuck up yanks answer a lovely old NZ couple, with free wifi, coffee place, tea, juice, magazines, comfy chair and I don't have to mix with the minions and the bloke playing a ukulele.....I kid you not.  And the quote of the day so far 'here Ma sit by the toilets, you can see out the windows and you're close when you want to empty your bag.....'

My 20 bucks also got me. $15 food voucher which I spent on lasagne and chips and a diet coke.  Nice. Not a good idea to use the exclusive toilet shortly afterwards though, no hiding that one.....

So despite the delay we are underway and all I have to do when I land is driven to my next campsite, ready to explore the Abel Tasman national park tomorrow.  Hang on, better go, think one of the Yanks may have had a little stroke.....

False alarm, just sleeping.  Now, where was I.....

Right just some observations I have made over the past week or so.  The kiwis love to cycle.  And not just to work, but up bloody mountains.  And they also love 80's rock music.  And are very politically incorrect which is a huge plus!  Barry Scott does ALL their advertising, or someone just as shouty. They also don't pronounce their 'e' as 'e' the say 'i'......

So pet becomes pit, vet becomes vit, peg becomes pig and you get my drift.  So the advert for pet vet pet insurance that is played hourly is starting to grate on my nirves........

Still I am on my way to the south and my next set of adventures. Snow and skydiving but still no vino as not 100% recovered but I am sure that will improve.......

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